Friday 8 July 2016

Kenguru - The car for wheelchair users

Wheelchair users who have been looking for independence and a way to get around town will feel thrilled to learn about the Kenguru car. It is the first electric powered vehicle designed for wheelchair users. It is environmentally friendly vehicle and driven directly from a wheelchair with access via the rear-opening tailgate. You simply roll a wheelchair in from a pop-up back door and drive off. It is commonly used to make short trips, run errands, shopping and getting around town. The car is not available yet in the United States but interested buyers can reserve one online. The company has already raised $4 million from investors, has attracted a lot of media attention and will provide millions of Americans in wheelchairs with access to their own transportation. 

How it Works?

The Kenguru car is easy and convenient to use every day. You enter via the automatic lowering ramp at the rear of the car. Guide your wheelchair directly into the car and then easily lock into position. At the press of the key the back door closes or opens. The controls look similar to a motorcycle and are easy to navigate as you drive around town running errands, visiting family, friends, shopping and more.


  • New found independence
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Ability to go out when you desire
  • Safe transportation that you control
  • Easy to control and use
  • You don’t have to exit your wheelchair
  • Affordable when compared to custom vans

Wheelchair users will find the Kenguru gives them freedom to go where they want, when they want. In the past many wheelchair users had to depend on other methods of transportation and forced to wait for others to drive them around town. The Kenguru provides the ultimate independence most wheelchair user’s desire. It is an excellent way to get around town and it is safe to drive on roads that have the maximum speed limit is 45mph. Enjoy your new found freedom and get on the waiting list today for this amazing electric powered car for wheelchair users.

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